HomeDoctorsChristopher S. Klifto, MD

Christopher S. Klifto, MD is a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon specializing in Upper Extremity Care. His areas of expertise include arthritic conditions of the upper extremity including shoulder and other upper extremity joint replacements. He also performs many minimally invasive arthroscopic procedures including shoulder, elbow, and wrist arthroscopy. He enjoys treating other conditions of the upper extremity including labrum and tendon disorders such as rotator cuff repairs and shoulder tendon transfers, along with other tendon transfers of the upper extremity. He also treats nerve compression disorders such as carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel syndrome, nerve injuries, and trigger fingers.

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  1. Susannah Fox. Pew Internet: Health. Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project. Dec 16, 2013. https://www.pewinternet.org/Commentary/2011/November/Pew-Internet-Health.aspx. Accessed on January 15, 2014.
  2. Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project Spring Tracking Survey, April 17-May 19, 2013.
  3. Delivery Systems Should Know Their Patients' 'Scores'. Health Affairs. February 2013;32 (2):216-222